
Great Quest was founded as a gold explorer operating out of Mali. The company identified a gold deposit known as the Djambaye II concession which was sold to Avion Gold Corporation (now Endeavour Mining Corporation) at the end of 2009.

Following this sale, the Great Quest team was encouraged by Malian government to explore opportunities in the Malian fertilizer market the phosphate deposits in northern Mali were widely known but needed a focused international group to develop them. Management realized the potential to create value for shareholders, realize near term cashflow and make a measurable positive impact on all levels of Malian society. The company focused its investment on the phosphate and rebuilt the management team and Board of directors to develop a fertilizer company. Permits were applied for, and were granted the Tilemsi phosphate concession by the Malian Ministry of Mines. On June 9th, 2014 the company changed it's name to Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd to reflect the focus of the company's efforts.