Great Quest Finds More Anomalous Gold over Two Large Diorite Dikes in Kabaya 1 Zone

Author: Great Quest | | Categories: 2004

VANCOUVER, BC -- Willis W. Osborne, President of Great Quest Metals Ltd. (the "Company") (TSX Venture Exchange: GQ), is very pleased to announce the results of geological mapping, soil sampling and pitting over a 400 x 1200 metre area along the Kabaya 1 zone, which is highly anomalous in gold and is located in the Kenieba concession, Mali, West Africa.

Mapping has partly defined two 50 to 75+ metre wide diorite dikes separated by a 25 to 65 m wide zone of greenschist. The dikes strike 45°, although in the northeastern part of the area mapped, the northwestern dike appears to swing to the north and thicken. The presence of two diorite dikes could be very significant, for gold mineralization on both the nearby Tabakoto and Segala deposits is at least partly associated with diorite dikes.

A total of 117 soil samples were taken at 50 m intervals along lines 100 m apart. The soil overlaying the two diorite dikes is generally anomalous in gold whereas that over the greenschist is not. The anomalous zone, consisting of 20 parts per billion gold and above, can be traced for 1100 metres along the southeastern dike with a high reading of 6.43 g/t gold and a previous sample of 3.80 g/t gold. The soil over the northwestern dike is also anomalous although not as continuously as over the southeastern dike. The two highest values are 9.67 and 96.73 g/t gold. The 96.73 number is an average of two determinations, and it indicates that some high grade veins likely occur within the diorite. The sample assaying 9.67 g/t gold is 20 metres from a previous sample from a quartz vein in a pit that assayed 19.47 g/t gold. A previous soil sample of 9.09 g/t gold also falls within the area of the northwestern dike.

A total of 41, 2 m -- deep pits were dug along several lines to determine the geology. Most of the pits were dug along the northern and southern parts of the northwestern dike and along the zone of greenschist. One half of the pits in the dike showed anomalous gold with the best pit to the south averaging 1.61 g/t gold. The results from this program are considered very positive, and work will continue here in June. In the meantime the Djambaye area of orpaillage east of the Kabaya 1 zone is currently being mapped and sampled.


"Willis W. Osborne"
Willis W. Osborne

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